=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is a screen capture of DBSMSG.EXE our Fido Stlye Message handler. I will add this to the docs at a later date, but wanted to make it avail to everyone as quickly as possible. Charles =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DBSMsg - Fido Style Messages to DBSMail Mailer V1.00 DBSMSG [<*.msg path>] zone = all outbound *.msg in a given run of this program will be send in the same zone. So in the case you are a US fido user you would place a 1 in this field sending all mail from and to zone 1. dbsmail outpkts = This is the directory that is in your level 4 configuration option "OUTPKTS". This DBSMail directory contains the fido style *.PKT files that are to be sent to other fido nodes. (NOTE: the files in \passthru are the same they are just named after the fido address they are addressed to.) dbsmail outbound = This is the directory that is in your level 4 configuration option "OUTBND". This DBSMail directory stores list of files that are to be sent to that address. (NOTE: These name are also named after the address that they are going to be sent to.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=